Warning: This document is for an old version of iam-python-sdk.

Source code for iam_python_sdk.client

# Copyright 2021 AccelByte Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""IAM Python SDK client module."""

import backoff, httpx, json, jwt

from threading import RLock
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

from .bloom import BloomFilter
from .cache import Cache
from .errors import ClientTokenGrantError, GetClientInformationError, GetJWKSError, GetRevocationListError, \
    GetRolePermissionError, HTTPClientError, InvalidTokenSignatureKeyError, NilClaimError, NoLocalValidationError, \
    RefreshAccessTokenError, StartLocalValidationError, TokenRevokedError, UserRevokedError, ValidateAccessTokenError, \
    ValidateAndParseClaimsError, ValidateAudienceError, ValidateJWTError, ValidatePermissionError, ValidateScopeError
from .models import BloomFilterJSON, ClientInformation, JWTClaims, Permission, RevocationList, Role, TokenResponse
from .log import logger
from .task import Task
from .utils import parse_nanotimestamp


[docs]def backoff_giveup_handler(backoff) -> None: try: raise except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: raise HTTPClientError(f"endpoint returned status code: {e.response.status_code}") from e except httpx.RequestError as e: raise HTTPClientError("unable to do HTTP request") from e except Exception as e: raise HTTPClientError("unable to create new HTTP request") from e
[docs]class HttpClient: """HttpClient class to do http request."""
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response: return self.request("GET", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, *args, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response: return self.request("POST", *args, **kwargs)
@backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, (httpx.HTTPStatusError, httpx.RequestError), max_time=MAX_BACKOFF_TIME, on_giveup=backoff_giveup_handler )
[docs] def request(self, method: str = "GET", *args, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response: resp = httpx.request(method, *args, **kwargs) if resp.status_code >= 500: resp.raise_for_status() return resp
[docs]class DefaultClient: """Default Client class.""" def __init__(self, config: Config, rolePermissionCache: Cache, clientInfoCache: Cache, httpClient: HttpClient ) -> None: self._lock = RLock() self._threads = {} self._clientAccessToken = "" self._tokenRefreshActive = False self._localValidationActive = False self._jwks = {} self._revokedUsers = {} self._revocationFilter = BloomFilter() self.config = config self.httpClient = httpClient self.rolePermissionCache = rolePermissionCache self.clientInfoCache = clientInfoCache def _set_jwk(self, kid: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set JWK key-value (thread-safe) Args: kid (str): JWK key_id value (Any): JWK object """ with self._lock: self._jwks[kid] = value def _get_jwk(self, kid: str) -> Any: """Get JWK key by key_id (thread-safe) Args: kid (str): JWK key_id Returns: Any: JWK object """ with self._lock: return self._jwks.get(kid) def _set_revoked_user(self, uid: str, at: str) -> None: """Set revoked user (thread-safe) Args: uid (str): User ID at (str): Revoked At """ with self._lock: self._revokedUsers[uid] = parse_nanotimestamp(at) def _get_revoked_user(self, uid: str) -> Any: """Get revoked user by ID (thread-safe) Args: uid (str): User ID Returns: Any: Revoked At """ with self._lock: return self._revokedUsers.get(uid) def _set_revocation_filter(self, filter: BloomFilterJSON) -> None: """Set revocation token filter (thread-safe) Args: filter (BloomFilter): Bloom filter object """ with self._lock: self._revocationFilter.loads(filter.Bits, filter.K, filter.M) def _get_revocation_filter(self, access_token: str) -> bool: """Get revocation token filter by access token (thread-safe) Args: access_token (str): Access token string Returns: bool: Access token revocation status """ with self._lock: return self._revocationFilter.contains(access_token) def _refresh_access_token(self) -> None: """Refresh user token" Raises: RefreshAccessTokenError: exception failed to refresh token """ try: self.ClientTokenGrant() logger.info("client token refreshed") except ClientTokenGrantError as e: raise RefreshAccessTokenError("unable to refresh token") from e def _get_jwks(self) -> None: """Get JWKS data Raises: GetJWKSError: unable to unmarshal response body GetJWKSError: unable to generate public key GetJWKSError: unexpected error """ try: resp = self.httpClient.get(self.config.BaseURL + JWKS_PATH, auth=(self.config.ClientID, self.config.ClientSecret) ) if not resp.is_success: logger.warning( f"unable to get JWKS: error code {resp.status_code}," f"error message: {resp.reason_phrase}" ) raise GetJWKSError( f"unable to get JWKS: error code {resp.status_code}," f"error message: {resp.reason_phrase}" ) jwks = jwt.PyJWKSet(resp.json().get("keys", [])) for jwk in jwks.keys: self._set_jwk(jwk.key_id, jwk.key) except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValueError) as e: raise GetJWKSError("unable to unmarshal response body") from e except (jwt.InvalidKeyError, jwt.PyJWKSetError) as e: raise GetJWKSError("unable to generate public key") from e except HTTPClientError as e: raise GetJWKSError(f"{e.message}") from e def _get_revocation_list(self) -> None: """Get user and token revocation list Raises: GetRevocationListError: unable to unmarshal response body GetRevocationListError: unexpected error """ try: resp = self.httpClient.get(self.config.BaseURL + REVOCATION_LIST_PATH, auth=(self.config.ClientID, self.config.ClientSecret) ) if not resp.is_success: logger.warning( f"unable to get JWKS: error code {resp.status_code}," f"error message: {resp.reason_phrase}" ) raise GetRevocationListError( f"unable to get JWKS: error code {resp.status_code}," f"error message: {resp.reason_phrase}" ) revocation_list = RevocationList.loads(resp.json()) self._set_revocation_filter(revocation_list.RevokedTokens) for revoked_user in revocation_list.RevokedUsers: self._set_revoked_user(revoked_user.Id, revoked_user.RevokedAt) except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValueError) as e: raise GetRevocationListError("unable to unmarshal response body") from e except HTTPClientError as e: raise GetRevocationListError(f"{e.message}") from e def _validate_jwt(self, token: str) -> Union[JWTClaims, None]: """Validate access token with JWK Args: token (str): access token Raises: ValueError: invalid token InvalidTokenSignatureKeyError: [description] ValueError: invalid header ValidateJWTError: unable to deserialize JWT claims ValidateJWTError: unable to validate JWT Returns: Union[JWTClaims, None]: [description] """ if not token: raise ValueError("invalid token") try: web_token = jwt.get_unverified_header(token) if not web_token.get("kid"): raise InvalidTokenSignatureKeyError("invalid header") public_key = self._get_jwk(web_token.get("kid")) if not public_key: raise ValueError("invalid key") claims = jwt.decode(token, public_key, algorithms=["RS256"], options={"verify_exp": True}) jwt_claims = JWTClaims.loads(claims) except jwt.DecodeError as e: raise ValidateJWTError("unable to deserialize JWT claims") from e except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError as e: raise ValidateJWTError("unable to validate JWT") from e return jwt_claims def _user_revoked(self, user_id: str, issued_at: int) -> bool: """Chech if user is revoked or not Args: user_id (str): User ID issued_at (int): Access token issued time Returns: bool: User revoked status """ time_revoked = self._get_revoked_user(user_id) if time_revoked: return time_revoked >= issued_at return False def _token_revoked(self, access_token: str) -> bool: """Check if token was revoked or not Args: access_token (str): Access token Returns: bool: Access token revoked status """ return self._get_revocation_filter(access_token) def _resource_allowed(self, accessPermissionResource: str, requiredPermissionResource: str) -> bool: """Check if user have permission to the required resource or not Args: accessPermissionResource (str): Granted resource permission requiredPermissionResource (str): Granted resource permission Returns: bool: Resource allowed status """ required_perm_res_sections = requiredPermissionResource.split(":") required_perm_res_section_len = len(required_perm_res_sections) access_perm_res_sections = accessPermissionResource.split(":") access_perm_res_section_len = len(access_perm_res_sections) min_section_len = access_perm_res_section_len if min_section_len > required_perm_res_section_len: min_section_len = required_perm_res_section_len for i in range(0, min_section_len): user_section = access_perm_res_sections[i] required_section = required_perm_res_sections[i] if user_section != required_section and user_section != "*": return False if access_perm_res_section_len == required_perm_res_section_len: return True if access_perm_res_section_len < required_perm_res_section_len: if access_perm_res_sections[access_perm_res_section_len - 1] == "*": if access_perm_res_section_len < 2: return True segment = access_perm_res_sections[access_perm_res_section_len - 2] if segment == RESOURCE_NAMESPACE or segment == RESOURCE_USER: return False return True return False for i in range(required_perm_res_section_len, access_perm_res_section_len): if access_perm_res_sections[i] != "*": return False return True def _permission_allowed(self, grantedPermissions: List[Permission], requiredPermission: Permission) -> bool: """Check if user have the required permission or not Args: grantedPermissions (List[Permission]): List of permission that user have requiredPermission (Permission): Required permission Returns: bool: Permission allowed status """ for granted_permission in grantedPermissions: granted_action = granted_permission.Action if granted_permission.is_scheduled(): granted_action = granted_permission.Schedaction if self._resource_allowed(granted_permission.Resource, requiredPermission.Resource) and \ (granted_action & requiredPermission.Action == requiredPermission.Action): return True return False def _apply_user_permission_resource_values(self, grantedPermissions: List[Permission], claims: JWTClaims, allowedNamespace: str) -> List[Permission]: """Apply user permission to the resource Args: grantedPermissions (List[Permission]): List of granted permissions claims (JWTClaims): JWT claims object allowedNamespace (str): Granted namespace Returns: List[Permission]: List of permission with applied user permission """ if not allowedNamespace: allowedNamespace = claims.Namespace for granted_permission in grantedPermissions: granted_permission.Resource = granted_permission.Resource.replace("{userId}", claims.Sub) granted_permission.Resource = granted_permission.Resource.replace("{namespace}", allowedNamespace) return grantedPermissions
[docs] def ClientTokenGrant(self) -> None: """Starts client token grant to get client bearer token for role caching Raises: ClientTokenGrantError: exception response format error ClientTokenGrantError: exceptions http request error """ try: resp = self.httpClient.post(self.config.BaseURL + GRANT_PATH, data={'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}, auth=(self.config.ClientID, self.config.ClientSecret) ) if not resp.is_success: logger.warning( f"unable to grant client token: error code : {resp.status_code}, " f"error message : {resp.reason_phrase}" ) raise ClientTokenGrantError( f"unable to grant client token: error code : {resp.status_code}, " f"error message : {resp.reason_phrase}" ) token_response = TokenResponse.loads(resp.json()) self._clientAccessToken = token_response.AccessToken logger.info("token grant success") if not self._tokenRefreshActive: self._tokenRefreshActive = True self._threads["refresh_token"] = Task( token_response.ExpiresIn * DEFAULT_TOKEN_REFRESH_RATE, self._refresh_access_token ) except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValueError) as e: raise ClientTokenGrantError("unable to unmarshal response body") from e except HTTPClientError as e: raise ClientTokenGrantError(f"{e.message}") from e
[docs] def ClientToken(self) -> str: """Returns client access token Returns: str: token """ return self._clientAccessToken
[docs] def StartLocalValidation(self) -> None: """Starts thread to refresh JWK and revocation list periodically this enables local token validation""" try: self._get_jwks() self._get_revocation_list() if not self._localValidationActive: self._localValidationActive = True self._threads["refresh_jwks"] = Task( DEFAULT_JWKS_REFRESH_INTERVAL, self._get_jwks ) self._threads["refresh_revocation"] = Task( DEFAULT_REVOCATION_LIST_REFRESH_INTERVAL, self._get_revocation_list ) except GetJWKSError as e: raise StartLocalValidationError("unable to get JWKS") from e except GetRevocationListError as e: raise StartLocalValidationError("unable to get revocation list") from e
[docs] def ValidateAccessToken(self, accessToken: str) -> bool: """Validates access token by calling IAM service Args: accessToken (str): access token Raises: ValidateAccessTokenError: exception failed to refresh token ValidateAccessTokenError: exceptions http request error Returns: bool: access token validity status """ try: resp = self.httpClient.post(self.config.BaseURL + VERIFY_PATH, data={'token': accessToken}, auth=(self.config.ClientID, self.config.ClientSecret) ) if resp.status_code == 401: logger.warning("unauthorized") # Refresh Token self._refresh_access_token() return self.ValidateAccessToken(accessToken) elif not resp.is_success: logger.warning( f"unable to validate access token: error code : {resp.status_code}, " f"error message : {resp.reason_phrase}" ) return False logger.info("token is valid") return True except RefreshAccessTokenError as e: raise ValidateAccessTokenError("unable to validate token") from e except HTTPClientError as e: raise ValidateAccessTokenError(f"{e.message}") from e
[docs] def ValidateAndParseClaims(self, accessToken: str) -> Union[JWTClaims, None]: """Validates access token locally and returns the JWT claims contained in the token Args: accessToken (str): access token Returns: Union[JWTClaims, None]: JWT claims or None """ if self._localValidationActive is not True: raise NoLocalValidationError jwt_claims = None try: jwt_claims = self._validate_jwt(accessToken) except (ValueError, InvalidTokenSignatureKeyError, ValidateJWTError) as e: raise ValidateAndParseClaimsError("unable to validate JWT") from e if jwt_claims and self._user_revoked(jwt_claims.Sub, jwt_claims.Iat): raise UserRevokedError("user (owner) of JWT is revoked") if jwt_claims and self._token_revoked(accessToken): raise TokenRevokedError("token is revoked") return jwt_claims
[docs] def ValidatePermission(self, claims: Union[JWTClaims, None], requiredPermission: Permission, permissionResources: Dict[str, str]) -> bool: """Validates if an access token has right for a specific permission Args: claims (JWTClaims): JWT claims requiredPermission (Permission): permission to access resource, example: {Resource: "NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:{userId}", Action: 2} permissionResources (Dict[str, str]): resource string to replace the `{}` placeholder in `requiredPermission`, example: p["{namespace}"] = "accelbyte" Returns: bool: permission status """ if not claims: raise NilClaimError("claim is nil") for placeholder, value in permissionResources.items(): requiredPermission.Resource = requiredPermission.Resource.replace(placeholder, value) if self._permission_allowed(claims.Permissions, requiredPermission): logger.info("permission allowed to access resource") return True namespace_roles = claims.NamespaceRoles or [] for namespace_role in namespace_roles: granted_role_permissions = [] try: granted_role_permissions = self.GetRolePermissions(namespace_role.Roleid) granted_role_permissions = self._apply_user_permission_resource_values( granted_role_permissions, claims, namespace_role.Namespace ) if self._permission_allowed(granted_role_permissions, requiredPermission): logger.info("permission allowed to access resource") return True except GetRolePermissionError as e: raise ValidatePermissionError("unable to get role perms") from e roles = claims.Roles or [] for role_id in roles: granted_role_permissions = [] try: granted_role_permissions = self.GetRolePermissions(role_id) granted_role_permissions = self._apply_user_permission_resource_values( granted_role_permissions, claims, "" ) if self._permission_allowed(granted_role_permissions, requiredPermission): logger.info("permission allowed to access resource") return True except GetRolePermissionError as e: raise ValidatePermissionError("unable to get role perms") from e logger.info("permission not allowed to access resource") return False
[docs] def ValidateRole(self, requiredRoleID: str, claims: Union[JWTClaims, None]) -> bool: """Validates if an access token has a specific role Args: requiredRoleID (str): role ID that required claims (JWTClaims): JWT claims Returns: bool: role validity status """ if not claims: raise NilClaimError("claim is nil") if claims.Roles and requiredRoleID in claims.Roles: logger.info("role allowed to access resource") return True logger.warning("role not allowed to access resource") return False
[docs] def UserPhoneVerificationStatus(self, claims: Union[JWTClaims, None]) -> bool: """Gets user phone verification status on access token Args: claims (JWTClaims): JWT claims Returns: bool: user phone verification status """ if not claims: raise NilClaimError("claim is nil") phone_verified_status = claims.Jflgs & USER_STATUS_PHONE_VERIFIED == USER_STATUS_PHONE_VERIFIED logger.info(phone_verified_status) return phone_verified_status
[docs] def UserEmailVerificationStatus(self, claims: Union[JWTClaims, None]) -> bool: """Gets user email verification status on access token Args: claims (JWTClaims): JWT claims Returns: bool: user email verification status """ if not claims: raise NilClaimError("claim is nil") email_verification_status = claims.Jflgs & USER_STATUS_EMAIL_VERIFIED == USER_STATUS_EMAIL_VERIFIED logger.info(email_verification_status) return email_verification_status
[docs] def UserAnonymousStatus(self, claims: Union[JWTClaims, None]) -> bool: """Gets user anonymous status on access token Args: claims (JWTClaims): JWT claims Returns: bool: user anonymous status """ if not claims: raise NilClaimError("claim is nil") user_anonymous_status = claims.Jflgs & USER_STATUS_ANONYMOUS == USER_STATUS_ANONYMOUS logger.info(user_anonymous_status) return user_anonymous_status
[docs] def HasBan(self, claims: Union[JWTClaims, None], banType: str) -> bool: """Validates if certain ban exist Args: claims (JWTClaims): JWT claims banType (str): ban type Returns: bool: ban status """ if not claims: raise NilClaimError("claim is nil") claim_bans = claims.Bans or [] for ban in claim_bans: if ban.Ban == banType: logger.info("user banned") return True logger.info("user not banned") return False
[docs] def HealthCheck(self) -> bool: """Lets caller know the health of the IAM client Returns: bool: health status """ with self._lock: refresh_token = self._threads.get("refresh_token") refresh_jwks = self._threads.get("refresh_jwks") refresh_revocation = self._threads.get("refresh_revocation") if not refresh_token or not refresh_jwks or not refresh_revocation: logger.warning("refresh token, jwks or revocation list background thread not started") return False if refresh_token.error is not None: logger.warning("error refresh token") logger.error(refresh_token.error) return False if refresh_jwks.error is not None: logger.warning("error refresh jwks") logger.error(refresh_jwks.error) return False if refresh_revocation.error is not None: logger.warning("error refresh revocation list") logger.error(refresh_revocation.error) return False logger.info("all OK") return True
[docs] def ValidateAudience(self, claims: Union[JWTClaims, None]) -> None: """Validate audience of user access token Args: claims (JWTClaims): JWT claims """ if not claims: raise NilClaimError("claim is nil") # no need to check if no audience found in the claims. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.3 audience = getattr(claims, "Aud") if not audience: logger.warning("no audience found in the token. Skipping the audience validation") return None try: client_info = self.GetClientInformation(claims.Namespace, self.config.ClientID) if claims.Aud and getattr(client_info, "Baseuri") not in claims.Aud: raise ValidateAudienceError("audience is not valid") logger.info("audience is valid") return None except GetClientInformationError as e: raise ValidateAudienceError("get client detail returns error") from e
[docs] def ValidateScope(self, claims: Union[JWTClaims, None], reqScope: str) -> None: """Validate scope of user access token Args: claims (JWTClaims): JWT claims reqScope (str): required role scope """ if not claims: raise NilClaimError("claim is nil") scopes = claims.Scope.split(SCOPE_SEPARATOR) if reqScope not in scopes: raise ValidateScopeError("invalid scope") logger.info("scope valid")
[docs] def GetRolePermissions(self, roleID: str) -> List[Permission]: """Get permssions of a role Args: roleID (str): role id Raises: GetRolePermissionError: exception failed to refresh token GetRolePermissionError: exception response format error GetRolePermissionError: exceptions http request error Returns: Union[List[Permission], None]: list of permissions or None """ try: # Try to get from cache first role_permissions = self.rolePermissionCache.get(roleID) if role_permissions: return role_permissions # Get permissions resp = self.httpClient.get(self.config.BaseURL + GET_ROLE_PATH + "/" + roleID, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self._clientAccessToken}"} ) if resp.status_code == 401: logger.warning("unauthorized") # Refresh Token self._refresh_access_token() return self.GetRolePermissions(roleID) elif resp.status_code == 403: logger.warning("forbidden") return [] elif resp.status_code == 404: logger.warning("not found") return [] elif not resp.is_success: logger.warning( f"unexpected error: {resp.status_code}" ) return [] role = Role.loads(resp.json()) self.rolePermissionCache[roleID] = role.Permissions return role.Permissions except RefreshAccessTokenError as e: raise GetRolePermissionError("unable to get role perms") from e except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValueError) as e: raise GetRolePermissionError("unable to unmarshal response body") from e except HTTPClientError as e: raise GetRolePermissionError(f"{e.message}") from e
[docs] def GetClientInformation(self, namespace: str, clientID: str) -> Union[ClientInformation, None]: """Gets IAM client information, it will look into cache first, if not found then fetch it to IAM. Args: namespace (str): namespace clientID (str): client ID Returns: Union[ClientInformation, None]: client information or None """ # Try to get from cache first cached_client_info = self.clientInfoCache.get(clientID) if cached_client_info: return cached_client_info # Get client informations try: resp = self.httpClient.get(self.config.BaseURL + CLIENT_INFORMATION_PATH % (namespace, clientID), headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self._clientAccessToken}"} ) if resp.status_code == 401: logger.warning("unauthorized") # Refresh Token self._refresh_access_token() return self.GetClientInformation(namespace, clientID) elif not resp.is_success: logger.warning( f"unable to get client information: error code {resp.status_code}," f"error message: {resp.reason_phrase}" ) return None client_info = ClientInformation.loads(resp.json()) self.clientInfoCache[clientID] = client_info return client_info except RefreshAccessTokenError as e: raise GetClientInformationError("unable to get client information") from e except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValueError) as e: raise GetClientInformationError("unable to unmarshal response body") from e except HTTPClientError as e: raise GetClientInformationError(f"{e.message}") from e
[docs]class NewDefaultClient(DefaultClient): def __init__(self, config: Config) -> None: self.config = config self.httpClient = HttpClient() self.rolePermissionCache = Cache(config.RolesCacheExpirationTime) self.clientInfoCache = Cache(CLIENT_INFO_EXPIRATION) if config.Debug: logger.setLevel(10) super().__init__(self.config, self.rolePermissionCache, self.clientInfoCache, self.httpClient)